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- Université de Semmelweis; Diplome en médecin
- Université Catholique de Leuven; Diplome en Gynécologie Obstétrique
- Harvard Medical School
- CME certificate in Gynecology Obstetrics
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- Présentation orale au Congrès d’ESTES 2008
- Integration of neuronally predifferentiated human dental pulp stem cells into rat brain in vivo. Neurochem Int. 2011 Sep;59(3):371-81. Epub 2011 Jan 8
- Muscle regeneration is undisturbed by repeated polytraumatic injury. Trauma Emerg Surg. 2011 Apr;37(2):161-167. Epub 2010 Jul 8.
- SCGP / AECG de 2014 Roland Garos Paris: Grossesse extra utérine sur Essure: comment est ce possible?
- San Antonio Breast Meeting 2015: Is there any benefit to perform extensive nodal dissection in primary or recurrent aggressive form of breast cancer? avec le Pr. M Berlière.
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- 2008 Ghünter Schlag Award au Congrès d’ESTES
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