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Centre de dentisterie régénérative et innovante
Zentrum für regenerative und innovative Zahnmedizin
Centre for regenerative and innovative dentistry
Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten,
herzlich willkommen bei uns in der Praxis Kiantu!
In unserer familiären Atmosphäre wollen wir, dass Sie sich bei uns wie Zuhause fühlen.
Unserer Ansicht nach ist der eigene Zahn das beste Implantat! Daher ist unser oberstes Ziel Ihre eigenen Zähne bis ins hohe Alter zu erhalten und das erreichen wir durch unsere Frühdiagnostik und regenerative Zahnmedizin.
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Es ist nie zu spät, den eigenen Zahn zu erhalten!
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Ihr Spezialistenteam Kiantu
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- 2018: Founder of Kiantu; Center for Regenerative and Innovative Dentistry
- 2017: Specialization for Science-Based Biological Dentistry
- 2015: Certification for nitrious oxide based treatment (laughing gas) and advanced life support (children and adults)
- 2015: Certification for ICH-Good Clinical Practice Investigation
- 2014: Certification for Cone Beam CT Diagnostics
- 2008-2015: dentistry, lecturer, author and research at the Georg- August University of Goettingen. Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology.
- 2008: PhD Thesis: Efficiency of different irrigation systems in oval root canals: manual irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo.
- 2007: State examnination for dentistry at the Georg-August University of Goettingen.
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- 2024 Holscher C. Regeneration statt Extraktion. Live-Webinar Forum Dentalis, Septodont, France.
- 2024 Holscher C. Advanced revitalization protocol utilizing laser, cold atmospheric plasma, and PRF for rescuing an immature necrotic incisor with PAI Score 5: a 3-year controlled case report. 22nd World Congress on Dental Traumatology (IADT), Tokio, Japan.
- 2023 Holscher C. Revitalizing mature necrotic molar: advanced PRF, cold atmospheric plasma and sweeps laser cavitaion technique in a 3-year controlled case report. European Biennial Congress (ESE), Helsinki, Finnland.
- 2023 Holscher C. Regeneration statt Extraktion. Live-Webinar Forum Dentalis, Septodont, France.
- 2023 Holscher C. Combined vital pulp therapy and direct restoration saved a hopeless tooth: 5 years case report. European Organisation for Caries Research (ORCA), Egmond, Netherland.
- 2021 10x Dentistry. Regeneration instead of Tooth Extraction. Lecturer at Forum Dentalis, Bad Dürkheim.
- 2018 MTA-based materials in endodontics: limits and opportunities in preventive dentistry. Lecturer at Forum Dentalis
- 2018 Revitalization teeth: a prospective case series. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; Galler K; Holscher C. 2018:40-45.
- 2017 Revitalization teeth. Lecturer at the annual german dental congress (DZT), Frankfurt
- 2015 Holscher C Engelke W. Structured management of a complex dental traumatic injury: a case report with 4 years follow-up. Dent Traumatol. [in preparation]
- 2015 Holscher C Engelke W. Transdental endoscopic cystectomy: A first clinical trial and case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. [in preparation]
- 2015 Baxter S Adler C Holscher C Hülsmann M. Analysis of the effectiveness of removal of calcium hydroxide from round and oval shaped root canals with the Self-adjusting file (SAF) or ultrasonic irrigation. Research poster presentation 2th Collective Congress of the DGZ DGET DGPZM and DGRCZ Munich.
- 2015 Hergt A Hiller S Holscher C Hülsmann M. Preparation with RECIPROC WaveOne and OneShape NiTi-Instruments: a micro-CT evaluation. Research poster presentation 2th Collective Congress of the DGZ DGET DGPZM and DGRCZ Munich.
- 2015 Holscher C. Surgical extrusion and restoration of a cervically root fractured tooth. A 5-years case report. Lecture and Award 2th Collective Congress of the DGZ DGET DGPZM and DGRCZ Munich.
- 2015 Holscher C. Dental pulp sensibility tests. Prospective technologies and review. Der Freie Zahnarzt 2015;10:82-88.
- 2015 Holscher C. The endodontic question: Treatment strategy of teeth with pulp canal obliteration. Endodontie 2015;4. [Accepted article].
- 2015 Holscher C. The endodontic question: Management of cracked tooth syndrome. Endodontie 2015;3:335-340.
- 2015 Holscher C. Iatrogenic injury of the inferior alveolar nerve in case of endodontic treatment. Endodontie 2015;2:143-154.
- 2015 Holscher C Klenke A. Intentional replantation after root fracture in case of traumatic dental injury. Quintessenz 2015;4:435-442.
- 2015 Holscher C. The endodontic question: The problem of dental anesthesia failure in case of redhaired women. Endodontie 2015;1:95-96
- 2014 Holscher C Ballhausen N Hülsmann M. Efficacy of R-Endo and FlexMaster rotary NiTi instruments in gutta-percha removal from curved root canals. Quintessenz International [in review].
- 2014 Holscher C Jung K Hülsmann M. Efficiency of manual irrigation passive ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo™ in oval root canals: a SEM investigation. Quintessenz International [in review].
- 2014 Holscher C Hergt A. Retreatment of root canal therapy in the clinical course. Procedure Problems and Complications. Lecture „Train-thetrainer in endodontics“ (AfA) Jena.
- 2014 Holscher C. The endodontic question: Does the combination of different intracanal medicaments make sense? Endodontie 2014;4:461-464.
- 2014 Holscher C. Treatment of VRF using Biodentine for root canal obturation. Case Report published in „Biodentine-Handbuch“ Septodont GmbH Niederkassel 2014:10-17.
- 2014 Holscher C. The endodontic question: The risk of viral infection when exposed during root canal treatment. Endodontie 2014;3:341-344.
- 2014 Holscher C. The endodontic question: Prognostic factors of root canal treated teeth in relation to dental prostheses. Endodontie 2014;2:207-211.
- 2014 Holscher C. The endodontic question: Disinfection of gutta-percha cones. Endodontie 2014;1:93-96.
- 2013 Holscher C Schöneberger C Hülsmann M. Efficiency of three different instruments for removal of various fibre posts – an fpVCT study. Research poster presentation 16th ESE Biennial Congress Lisbon Portugal
- 2013 Holscher C. The endodontic question: The risk of pulp necrosis after crown preparation. Endodontie 2013;3:291-294.
- 2013 Holscher C. Endodontics vs. Implants. An alternative? Lecture Conference of the German Dentist Students Councils (BuFaTa) Goettingen.
- 2013 Holscher C. The endodontic question: Intentional replantation. Endodontie 2013;2:189-194.
- 2013 Holscher C. Postgraduate programmes in endodontics. Prospects and limitations. Lecture „Train-the-trainer in endodontics“ (AfA) Goettingen.
- 2013 Holscher C. The endodontic question: RCTs near Implants: Does an apical periodontitis affect the Implant? Endodontie 2013;1:99-105.
- 2013 Holscher C. Endodontic therapy in emergency cases. Lecture 11th symposium of the departement of oral surgery University of Goettingen.
- 2012 Holscher C. Chemo-mechanical Preparation of curved Root Canals with the Self-adjusting File (SAF) versus Rotary Instruments: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study. Lecture 10th annual symposium of dentistry „Young Scientists in Dentistry“ University of Leipzig.
- 2012 Holscher C. Cone beam computed tomography (cbct). Lecture In-house training and education University of Goettingen.
- 2012 Holscher C. Preparation of curved root canals with the SAF and BioRaCe NiTi-Instruments: a comparative study. Lecture 26th Annual conference of the german dental association (DGZ) Dresden.
- 2012 Holscher C. Treatment of a difficult traumatic dental injury. Lecture Inhouse training and education University of Goettingen.
- 2011 Drebenstedt S Holscher C Hülsmann M. Form Management Endodontology: Diagnostic Treatment Medical Consultation Billing and Quality Management. DVD Spitta Verlag GmbH Balingen.
- 2010 Holscher C Nordmeyer S Hülsmann M. Myth or reality? Finding the second mesiobuccal root canal (mb2). Workshop University of Goettingen.
- 2010 Holscher C. Root canal retreatment using NiTi systems. Dental Magazin 2010;4:24-29.
- 2009 Holscher C Drebenstedt S Hülsmann M. Efficiency of different irrigation systems in oval root canals: manual irrigation passive ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo™. Research poster presentation 14th ESE Biennial Congress Edinburgh Scotland.
- 2008 Hülsmann M Drebenstedt S Holscher C. Shaping and filling root canals during root canal re-treatment. Endodontic Topics 2008;19:74-124
- 2008 Holscher C Hülsmann M. Efficiency of different irrigation systems in oval root canals: manual irrigation passive ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo™. Dissertation University of Goettingen.
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- 2015: DGRZ-Heraeus-Kulzer Preis für die beste Fallpräsentation: Chirurgische Extrusion von Zahn 11 mit anschließender definitiver Restauration: ein 5-Jahres-Recall. 2. Jahrestagung DGZ
- 2013: Förderpreis des Freien Verbandes Deutscher Zahnärzte (FVDZ) für die Studie: „Entzündungsmediatoren in Dentinliquor und Pulpagewebe von Zähnen mit symptomatischer irreversibler Pulpitis“
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endodontie und Traumatologie (DGET)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Restaurative und Regenerative Zahnerhaltung (DGRRZ)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft Zahn-Mund und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Präventivzahnmedizin (DGPZM)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung (DGZ)
- Collège Médical Luxembourg (CM)
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