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Ophtalmologie Place de l'Etoile - Luxembourg
1, Val Sainte-Croix,
1371 Luxemburg

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Consultations enfants & adultes |
Ophtalmologie générale et pédiatrique | General and paediatric ophthalmology |
Chirurgie du strabisme (adulte et enfant) | Adult and paediatric strabismus surgery |
Chirurgie ophtalmologique de l'enfant | Paediatric eye surgery |

Ancien Chirurgien au Moorfields Eye Hospital - London

Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmology (FRCOphth)
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MRCSEdOphth)
Member of the British and Irish Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Association

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  • FRCOphth
  • MRCSEd(Ophth)
  • MBBS
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