Praxis Kiantu

2 medici


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Praxis Kiantu

Practice Kiantu
To preserve your tooth, according to biological and sustainable principles.

Your teeth. Your future. Our concern:
We treat health-conscious patients with regenerative dentistry. So that you can keep your teeth healthy into old age.

Regenerative dentistry
Our Mission
We receive your tooth from passion in a stress- and painless treatment. The latest scientific findings and the most modern methods enable us to do this for the rest of your life in order to guarantee you a better attitude to life through the accustomed chewing comfort and natural aesthetics. According to biological principles.

Praxis Kiantu
Deinen Zahn erhalten, nach biologischen und nachhaltigen Grundsätzen.

Ihre Zähne. Ihre Zukunft. Unser Anliegen:
Wir behandeln gesundheitsbewusste Patienten mit regenerativer Zahnmedizin. Damit Sie bis ins hohe gesunde Alter ihre Zähne behalten.


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Praxis Kiantu
35 Boulevard Verdun,
2670 Luxembourg-Belair

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  • Inglese
  • - Tedesco

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Team - 2 medici

Dr. Christian Holscher

  Televisita disponibile


Altre specialità: Endodontista

Dr. Verena Berg


Altre specialità: Chirurgia orale, Igienista dentale

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