Mrs. Catherine Richard



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Cabinet de Mme Richard Catherine
10A, Elterstrachen,
L-7260 Bereldange

  Televisita disponibile

Lingue parlate

  • Inglese
  • - Lussemburghese
  • - Tedesco

Informazioni sullo studio medico


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Leider kann ech keng nei Leit méi ophuelen a meng Waardelëscht ass voll. Wann Dir scho Patient/in sidd/wart, kënnt Dir Iech e RDV buchen.
Unfortunately, I don't take any new patients and my waiting list is full. As an existing patients, you can book an appointment.
Tél: +352 621 233 646
Mail: [email protected]

Spezialgebidder fir Erwuessener (+21):
Ängschten, Phobien, Panikattacken
Stress a Burn-out
Traumaen (EMDR)
kritesch Liewensverännerungen
Kommunikatiounsproblemer (v.a. Gruppentraining fir d'sozial Kompetenzen)

Focus of expertise for adults (+21):
Anxiety, phobias, panic attacks
Stress and burnout
Low self-esteem
Trauma (EMDR)
Life changing events

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  • Formation en psychothérapie cognitivo-comportementale (Universität Trier)
  • EMDR Trauma thérapie (Résilience Institut Luxembourg)
  • Schématherapie
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Riconoscimenti e nomine

  • CNS


  • Collège médical (2018.04.014/PSYCHO)
  • SLP - Société Luxembourgeoise de Psychologie
  • FAPSYLUX - Fédératon des Associations représentant des Psychothérapeutes au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
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