Luciana Wajngarten



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Luciana Wajngarten
33 All. Scheffer,
2520 Lussemburgo


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  • Francese
  • - Inglese
  • - Portoghese
  • - Spagnolo

Informazioni sullo studio medico

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Cabinet Diététicienne Luciana Wajngarten
33 All. Scheffer, 3ème étage, 2520 Limpertsberg Luxembourg


Diététicienne-nutritionniste avec 14 ans d'expérience et affiliée par la CNS, je prends en charge les enfants à partir de 6 ans, les adolescents, les adultes, les personnes âgées, les femmes enceintes, les sportifs et les végétariens dans tous les états de santé.

Je propose mes services aux clients qui cherchent à améliorer leur santé ou changer leur mode de vie ainsi qu'aux patients atteints de maladies chroniques (surpoids, obesité, diabète, hypertension artérielle, etc.), auto-immunes et inflammatoires.

J'ai pu développer mon expérience professionnelle dans l'un des plus grands complexes d'enseignement de santé de Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. Depuis 2014, j'ai commencé à travailler exclusivement à mon cabinet privé (Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil), ce qui m’a permis d’aider centaines de personnes.

Consultez mon site web pour plus d'informations.


14 years experienced registered dietitian-nutritionist affiliated to CNS I work with children (from 6 years old), adolescents, adults, elderly, pregnant women, those who practice physical activity and vegetarians in all health conditions.

I offer my services to clients seeking to improve their health or change their lifestyle as well as to patients with chronic (overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc.), autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

I was able to develop my professional experience in one of the largest health teaching complexes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since 2014, I started working exclusively in my private practice (Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), which allowed me to help hundreds of patients.

Check my website for more information.

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  • ‣ 2022 → Harvard Medical School: Treating Obesity 2022 - The Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine
  • ‣ 2005-2009 → Bachelor of Nutrition at UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - recognised by University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • ‣ 2020-2021 → Master in Quality, Hygiene and Food Safety at Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain - 60 ECTS/1500 hours
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  • ‣ 2012 → Dissertation presentation "Influence of excess adiposity on the modulation of iron homeotase in children and adolescents"
  • ‣ 2012 → Secretary at 48th HUPE/UERJ Congress "Multidisciplinary clinical dynamics on the high-risk newborns follow-up"
  • ‣ 2007 → Presentation at 11th Extension Exhibition (UERJ) "Nutrition education in childcare: a partnership between INU/DNS/PPC/UERJ"
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Riconoscimenti e nomine

  • 2006 → Honours mention for presentation "Market research for soy products" at 6th Graduation Week (UERJ)


  • Brazilian Council of Dietitians - CRN4 - 09100963
  • Association Nationale des Diététiciens du Luxembourg - ANDL
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