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Prof. Dr. Firas Mourad, PhD, PT, MSc, OMPT, MS Osteopathy, Dip. Osteopractor.
Dr. Firas Mourad received his Physiotherapy degree from the University of Brescia. He was awarded an International PhD degree with full marks with honours in Ciencias de la Salud from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He completed an extensive Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy program granting his status of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapist (Full IFOMPT) from the University of Genova. He gained a Post-Graduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine from the Ulster University in Belfast, a Post-Graduate Certificate in systematic review and meta-analysis from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and a Master of Science (Laurea Magistrale) at the University of Milano. He also gained a MS in Osteopathy (Girona University) and a Dip. In Osteopractic (American Academy of Manipulative Therapy , USA). He has completed several distinguished certifications including dry needling, spinal manipulation, and vestibular management. He was a Senior Instructor for the Spinal Manipulation Institute, Dry Needling Institute, and American Academy of Manipulative Therapy until 2020. He is a Lecturer in the IFOMPT Post-Graduate masters degree at the La Sapienza University of Rome. Moreover, he was a guest lecturer and adjunct faculty for numerous physiotherapy programs and conferences throughout the world. He is the former IFOMPT Member Organization delegate for Italy and the Vice-President of the Italian Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Group. Dr Mourad has published original experimental research, clinical trials, case reports, observational studies, editorials, and reviews in internationally recognized peer- reviewed journals. Dr Mourad boasts of more than 15 years of clinical experience being a reference for patients and colleagues from all over Italy. He was the owner and director of the outpatient clinic Poliambulatorio Physio Power. He is a community leader, educator, and mentor to many physiotherapists and inspires to motivate others in his passion for physiotherapy. Currently, he joins LUNEX University as Assistant Professor and Program Leader of the Master Program in the Health Department.

Ass. Professor, Program Leader Master Physiotherapy, LUNEX University of Applied Sciences, Luxembourg
Module Coordinator in the Musculoskeletal & Rheumatological Physiotherapy Master Program, Università di Roma La
Sapienza, Italy
Former IFOMPT MO VicePresident and Delegate for Italy

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